Data Types in SQL Database

SQL Datatypes

In SQL (Structured Query Language) database there are various data types to determine the kind of value that can be stored in a column or field of a table. Below are the most commonly used SQL data types.

Character/String Data Types

  • VARCHAR(n): Variable-length character strings where n is the number of specified character allowed. for instance VARCHAR(150) allows up to 150 characters).
  • TEXT: Stores large text data.
  • NCHAR(n): Fixed-length Unicode strings.
  • NVARCHAR(n): Variable-length Unicode strings.
  • CLOB (Character Large Object): Stores large text data.
  • CHAR(n): Fixed-length character strings where n is the fixed number of specified character allowed. for instance VARCHAR(150) allows 150 characters.

Numeric Data Types

  • INT : Stores whole numbers example -10, 1, 50, 200.
  • SMALLINT: Smaller range of whole numbers compared to INT eg -200.
  • BIGINT: Larger range of whole numbers compared to INT.
  • TINYINT: Very small range of whole numbers usually 0 to 255.
  • DECIMAL(p, s) / NUMERIC(p, s): Fixed-point numbers with precision p and scale s (e.g., DECIMAL(5, 2) for numbers like 123.45).
  • FLOAT: Approximate numeric values with floating-point precision.

Date and Time Data Types

  • DATE: Stores date values (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD).
  • TIME: Stores time values (e.g., HH:MM:SS).
  • DATETIME: Stores both date and time (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
  • TIMESTAMP: Stores date and time, often used for recording events.
  • YEAR: Stores a year value (e.g., YYYY).
  • INTERVAL: Represents a span of time.

JSON Data Type

JSON: Stores JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data.

Boolean Data Type

BOOLEAN / BOOL: Stores TRUE or FALSE values.

Binary Data Types

  • BINARY(n): Fixed-length binary data.
  • VARBINARY(n): Variable-length binary data.
  • BLOB (Binary Large Object): Stores large binary data like images or files.

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