How to Change Footer Credit on WordPress Site

In this post, you will learn how to change a footer note popularly known as footer credit to your own custom footer note on a WordPress website.

The best and safest way to change the WordPress footer credit is through a plugin. With a plugin you don’t need to edit source code like footer.php so the site won’t break down if you’re not a developer.

On your WordPress site admin dashboard, click on plugins on the left and select ‘Add New’. Inside the plugins area, search for ‘Remove Footer Credit’ and select the plugin below

Click on ‘Install Now’ followed by ‘Activate’

Open the plugin dashbaord from ‘Tool’ select ‘Remove Footer Credit’

visit the footer section of your site and take note of the note on your footer section.

Go to the footer credit section of your site and you need to enter the section you want to change once per line. For instance, the footer credit below has three lines, so you will need to copy and enter the text with the corresponding HTML link into the first box above and then enter your own custom text into the second box.

Note: you can also remove a line without replacing it – just leave the second box blank. for instance, i can decide to remove ‘Claritymag News By Ascendoor’ and ‘Powered by WordPress’ and then leave the copyright text to remain. Here i will need to enter any custom text in the second line

You footer credit is now changed

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