Want to create and add signature to all your outgoing Gmail emails without having to type your signature (short profile) for every outgoing mail? This post will show you how to create and append a signature at the bottom of all your outgoing emails.
Read: Forward a Copy of Selected Emails From Gmail to Another Email
Open the Gmail you want to set the signature for, at the top right section, click on ‘settings’ gear icon and click on ‘see all settings’. Under ‘general’ tab scroll down to signature and click on ‘Create new’.

A pop-up box will appear ‘Name new signature’ put in the name of the signature and click on create (Note: you can create multiple signature and select from the list of signature when you are sending an email).

A section will now appear where you need to type in the content of your signature as shown below. Type in the signature, you can also set a particular signature to default for every new email and also set if there should be signature appended for email replies. When done scroll down and click on save changes.