Create Signature for All Outgoing Emails in YahooMail

Yahoomail signature

A signature let’s you append a short profile or write-up at the bottom of every out-going email. Do you want to create and add signature to all your sent emails in YahooMail without having to type the signature for every outgoing mail? This post will show you how to create and append a signature at the bottom of all your outgoing emails in Yahoo.

Read: Create Signature for All Sent Messages in Gmail

Due to recent update by YahooMail, the feature is no longer visible on the web version, so I’ll use the mobile application (application both on Android and iOS) for the signature settings and once set, it works on all platform.

On your Yahoo mobile app, tap on your profile icon/name at the bottom select ‘settings’. Under ‘General’ tap on ‘Signatures’

Edit the default signature and add yours. If you have more than one YahooMail attached to the app and you want to set different signature for each mail, you can select ‘Customise for each account’ to customize for each account.

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