How to Scan Image to Word Document With Android Phone

Convert image to word

This post will show you how to scan and convert the writings on image to word document using your Android phone. At the end of this post, you would learn how to save yourself from lots stress typing out a word document contents from a printed paper.

On your Android, visit Google Play store and install Camscanner – scanner, PDF maker

Accept the terms and conditions of the app and also grant the app the relevant access to your phone. Open the app, tap on the camera to scan, navigate to ‘To Word’

Carefully place your camera on the area you want to capture and make sure the camera capture box capture the contents, press the camera capture button using any method available in your phone. Once you capture, your will be redirected to either crop the captured image, retake or continue with the capture image. I will select continue to proceed.

After you continue with the scanned image, the next page will provide option where you can rename the file at the top, you can choose to use the generated file name, tap on the thick icon below to continue.

The next page is the converted and ready document. Tap on ‘Export Document’ to export the document through any option you want including saving the document into your phone.

You can transfer the converted document to your PC and open it on MS Word.

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