Forward a Copy of Selected Emails From Gmail to Another Mail

Forward email from gmail

This post will show you how to achieve two tasks: forward a copy of all emails from your Gmail to another email and forward copies of selected emails from a selected email address to another mail. I will be using the PC for this settings.

On your Gmail, click on the settings gear icon at the top right section close to your profile icon.

Under ‘Quick settings’ click on ‘see all settings’ to open the settings page, on the settings page, toggle to ‘forwarding and POP/IMAP’ tab. In the forwarding section, click on ‘Add a forwarding address’

A pop-up box will prompt you to enter a forwarding email address, enter the email address you want to forward your emails to, and click on Next. A window will open for security purposes so you can verify it’s you. Select the verification method that best suits you and proceed.

A confirmation link will be sent to the email address you just added for verification. Click on the link provided in the email to verify the email forwarding process

After confirmation, refresh your Gmail settings page. It will default to ‘Disable forwarding’ under ‘forward a copy of email to’ input the email address you just added and verified. Scroll down and click on save changes (you can add another forwarding email address).

To filter and forward emails from a selected email address to another, under forwarding you will see a notice ‘Tip: You can also forward only some of your mail by creating a filter!’ click on ‘creating a filter’ link.

Input the email address you wish to forward mail from and the one to forward the emails to (note: you will have to verify the email address if you put in a new email aside from the one you just verified). click on save changes when you are done.

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